How to adjust reminders

Missed dose reminders

How to adjust the start and end time of a dose reminder period:

  1. From the home screen, tap Settings.

  2. Tap Therapy Settings and read the safety message. If you are ready, tap Proceed.

  3. Under Meal Times, tap Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner.

  4. Adjust your mealtime range(s) so that you account for your range of meal times. For example, if you eat breakfast at different times during the week than on the weekend, make sure the period is wide enough to cover both times.

  5. Tap the green check mark to save or the red X to cancel.

    therapy settings app screen

    Note that time periods cannot overlap each other, so you may need to adjust another time period start or end time to prevent overlap.

Long-acting dose reminders

How to enable long-acting reminders:

  1. From the home screen, tap Settings.

  2. Tap Reminders.

  3. Tap Long-Acting Reminder.

  4. Slide the Reminder Enable switch to the right to turn it on.

    reminder screen

How to adjust long-acting reminders:

  1. From the home screen, tap Settings.

  2. Tap Therapy Settings and read the safety message. If you are ready, tap Proceed.

  3. Tap Long-Acting on the top of the page.

  4. Tap Insulin Type and select the correct value. Tap the green check mark to save or the red X to cancel.

  5. Tap Doses per day and select the correct value. Tap the green check mark to save or the red X to cancel.

  6. For each dose, tap Usual Amount to adjust the amount of long-acting insulin you usually take. Tap the green check mark to save or the red X to cancel.

  7. Tap Reminder Time to adjust the time when you'd like to receive a reminder to take your long-acting insulin. Tap the green check mark to save the change or the red X to cancel.

    therapy settings screen

Check BG reminders

How to adjust check BG reminders:

  1. From the home screen, tap Settings.

  2. Tap Reminders.

  3. Slide the Check BG 2hrs after dose switch to enable this setting. Tap Check BG at Bedtime to adjust the settings as desired.

Replace cartridge reminder

How to adjust replace cartridge reminders:

  1. From the home screen, tap Settings.

  2. Tap Reminders.

  3. Slide the Replace Cartridge after 28 days to turn reminder on or off.