Posted by LOOP Blog Editorial on in Health and Wellness
Tips for smart snacking with diabetes

Find yourself overindulging on snack foods when cravings hit? Don’t let this habit derail your diabetes meal plan.

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Posted by LOOP Blog Editorial on in Lifestyle
From insulin injections to insulin pump

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Posted by Anna Bjorlin on in Lifestyle
Meet #MedtronicChampion Jodie
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Posted by Naomi Kingery Bayardo on in Lifestyle
What it means to celebrate a diabetes diagnosis date, or diaversary.

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Posted by Jaime Cline on in Lifestyle
One year on the Medtronic MiniMed™ 780G system

My name is Jaime, and I’m a Medtronic employee and #MedtronicChampion who’s had type 1 diabetes since I was 3 years old.

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Posted by LOOP Blog Editorial on in Lifestyle
Managing diabetes in college can be done!

Diabetes is hard. College is hard.

My name is Caitlin and, as a recent college grad living with type 1 diabetes, I can tell you that combining both can be very overwhelming.

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Posted by Sabrina Huda Sanchez on in Lifestyle
Pilates for people living with diabetes

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Posted by Sabrina Huda Sanchez on in Lifestyle
Meet #MedtronicChampion Christi
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Posted by Sabrina Huda Sanchez on in Lifestyle
Summertime diabetes management

Sunblock? Check.

Towel? Check.

Change of clothes? Check.

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Posted by LOOP Blog Editorial on in Lifestyle

The Fourth of July is a great time to celebrate our nation's independence with friends and family, outdoor activities, and (of course) food. As Americans, this is a holiday where we traditionally love to go big. 

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