Medtronic Champions
Connect with, learn from, and help other Champions all over the world.

What does it mean to be a #MedtronicChampion?
The #MedtronicChampion global community is a group of people all over the world who are redefining what it means to live with diabetes each day. It's not just about winning gold medals or crossing the finish line first. You are a Champion through the highs and the lows and every moment you juggle life, stress, AND diabetes. You show up daily as a Champion for yourself and others by not letting diabetes define you. And by sharing your story, you help other Medtronic Champions all over the world. You are strong, and together, we're even stronger.
Medtronic Champions in action
Check out these Medtronic Champions all over the world redefining what diabetes looks like. Want to join the conversation? Show us how you are a #MedtronicChampion by sharing your story in social media and tagging us at @MedtronicDiabetes!
- Dad to Ambar
- Dedicated to helping his daughter be the first T1D to go to Mars
- Daughter wears Guardian™ Connect CGM and uses InPen™
- T1D
- Adventure seeker
- World traveler
- Former Animas Hero
- Wears MiniMed™ 670G system
- T1D
- Instagram influencer
- Adventurer
- Wears MiniMed™ 770G system
- T1D
- Purchasing & Supply Chain Mgr.
- Sports Enthusiast
- Diabetes Advocate
- Wears MiniMed™ 770G system
- T1D
- Professional Rugby player
- Travel enthusiast
- Uses InPen™ with Guardian™ Connect CGM
- T1D
- Teacher
- Math nerd
- Belly dancer
- Wears MiniMed™ 670G system
- T1D
- Travels for Work
- Adventure Enthusiast
- Wears MiniMed™ 770G system
- T1D
- Political activist
- Grandfather
- Wears MiniMed™ 770G system
- T1D
- Diabetes & equity advocate
- Brodway enthusiast
- Wears MiniMed™ 670G system
- T1D
- Cat lover
- Adult with T1D activist
- Wears MiniMed™ 770G system
- T1D
- High school student
- Ocean adventurer
- Wears MiniMed™ 770G system
Connect with a Medtronic Diabetes Ambassador
Interested in chatting with someone about their experience with Medtronic technology?
* Medtronic Diabetes Ambassadors receive promotional items and educational material to use and share as the Ambassador sees fit. Ambassadors are not provided monetary compensation for their participation in this program. Opinions expressed by an Ambassador are based on the Ambassador's actual experience and are not necessarily the opinions of Medtronic.