Remote Bolus

Device: MiniMed™ 630G insulin pump (MMT-1715K)

Remote Bolus allows you to send a Normal Bolus or Preset Bolus remotely from your meter. When the MiniMed 630G insulin pump is connected to the Contour®NEXT LINK 2.4 meter, it allows you to deliver a remote bolus from the pump. The Remote Bolus option on your pump must be turned on.

To turn on or off Remote Bolus:

1. Select Menu.

2. Press down to Utilities and press select.

3. Select Remote Bolus.

4. Select On when the Remote Bolus screen appears.

5. Select Save.

Do not calculate a bolus using a blood glucose meter results taken from an Alternative Site (palm) or from a control solution test.

Follow these steps to deliver a bolus from your meter:

1. If you have tested, press Bolus on the meter while the test result is displayed
From the menu, press Bolus.

Select bolus screen

2. Select Manual Bolus. If you have a Preset Bolus set in your pump, it can also be delivered from the meter.*

select Manual bolus screen

3. Use the UP button on the meter to set the bolus amount.

4. Press Yes to send the bolus from the meter to your pump.

5. A confirmation screen will appear on the meter.

6. The bolus delivery appears on the pump as it is delivering.

Bolus delivery screen