Posted by Alexis Papayanakos on in Education and Information

As a person with diabetes, you’ve probably thought a lot about obtaining, maintaining, and maximizing insurance policies. Insurance can be costly and understanding your policy may be confusing and time-consuming—but there are ways to make sure you fully understand the scope of your benefits.

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Posted by Alexis Papayanakos on in Education and Information

It’s been 100 years since the discovery of insulin, yet millions of people with diabetes around the world still cannot access the care they need. Medtronic is working to engineer the extraordinary for people throughout their diabetes journey.

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Posted by Alexis Papayanakos on in Education and Information

Some look forward to the Thanksgiving feast all year—and for good reason. No other holiday meal quite matches the yummy selection of treats. Celebrating Thanksgiving with diabetes is no different.

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Posted by Alexis Papayanakos on in
For people with diabetes, PWD’s, the old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a little less than a comprehensive health plan.
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Posted by Alexis Papayanakos on in Education and Information

You can potentially live the sweet life as a person with diabetes, PWD.

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Posted by Alexis Papayanakos on in Education and Information

This year, 1.5 million people will be diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA).

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Posted by Alexis Papayanakos on in Education and Information

Returning to school with Type 1 Diabetes includes more than shopping for new supplies and clothing. 

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Posted by Alexis Papayanakos on in Lifestyle

Hi! I am Mattie and I have been living with type one diabetes for 20 years. Learning to accept my diabetes, especially through my adolescent years, was difficult for me. I truly did not understand what it meant to have type 1 diabetes and the importance of taking care of it.

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Posted by Katie Schmitz on in Innovation

Anyone living with diabetes or who knows someone with diabetes has a “diabetes story.” As a diabetes educator, I often want to hear from people living with diabetes and their stories of when they were first diagnosed. Perhaps you’re thinking of yours right now!

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Posted by Katie Schmitz on in Lifestyle

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Crystal. Crystal had two children diagnosed with diabetes within a year of each other!

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