Posted by Sabrina Huda Sanchez on in Education and Information

If you’re a parent of a child with diabetes, you are likely familiar with the unique challenges of balancing your child’s health needs while they’re at school. Having a Section 504 Plan for kids with diabetes can play a vital role in ensuring a supportive environment for them. 

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Posted by Jaime Cline on in Lifestyle

I’m Jaime, a Medtronic employee living with type 1 diabetes. Living with diabetes has its challenges and sometimes it may affect your relationship, but if you have the right partner who loves and supports you, then it shouldn’t affect it at all. 

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Posted by Sabrina Huda Sanchez on in Lifestyle

Meet Shaquana, a Medtronic Champion living with diabetes in Brooklyn, New York along with her husband Ernest and their 11-year-old son, Allen, who was also diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2023.

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Posted by Naomi Kingery Bayardo on in Lifestyle

Like me, you probably have a diabetes supply drawer (unofficially) labeled with "I have no idea what to do with these." We recently asked a question to our Facebook community that read, "Spring is almost here!

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Posted by Sabrina Huda Sanchez on in Health and Wellness

Diabetic neuropathy (DPN) is one of the more common complications that can arise from living with diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), diabetic neuropathy affects nearly half of all people with diabetes.

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Posted by Naomi Kingery Bayardo on in Health and Wellness
Organization is the key to success

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Posted by Jaime Cline on in Lifestyle

I’m Jaime, a Medtronic employee, and a wife living with diabetes. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and I’m lucky to have the best Valentine in the world – my amazing husband. So, what better time to discuss diabetes and intimacy?

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Posted by Sabrina Huda Sanchez on in Lifestyle
Thriving in the spotlight with automated insulin delivery: Meet #MedtronicChampion Alexandra Park 
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Posted by Anna Bjorlin on in Lifestyle
Meet #MedtronicChampion Linda
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Posted by Sabrina Huda Sanchez on in Health and Wellness
Hyperglycemia often affects people living with diabetes
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