InPen smart insulin pen system and Guardian Connect system: Mattie's story

Hi! I am Mattie and I have been living with type one diabetes for 20 years. Learning to accept my diabetes, especially through my adolescent years, was difficult for me. I truly did not understand what it meant to have type 1 diabetes and the importance of taking care of it. As I got older and started having children, I realized the importance of taking care of myself - and my diabetes. One of the greatest tools I now have in my diabetes toolbox is the combination of my InPenTM smart insulin pen system and the Guardian Connect continuous glucose monitor.
I came across another person living with type one who was using the InPenTM on Instagram. I had no clue what the InPenTM was and messaged her with all my questions. After a few messages back and forth, I knew I had to find out more. I called Medtronic and asked for information about the InPenTM. On the other end of the phone was a kind voice and an extremely knowledgeable person. She told me all about the InPenTM and even understood my diabetes slang, like “rage bolus,” which I thought was incredible (and hilarious). I asked her if she lived with type one diabetes and she said she did, which blew me away. Never have I, in 20 years, spoken to someone from a diabetes supply company that had an actual person with diabetes (PWD) working there. I instantly fell in love with Medtronic as I was so pleased to know this company cares enough about its users to realize the value of hiring other PWD’s to work with their company. What is more valuable than a diabetic helping another diabetic?
Once she shared all the information about the InPenTM, she told me that they also have a CGM that synchronizes with it. I knew I had to have these products ASAP! After speaking with my doctor and getting both products prescribed, I have seen the benefits of the InPenTM and GuardianTM Connect CGM and so has my endocrinologist. I am now having far fewer lows than I was before using the InPen and Guardian Connect CGM. The biggest benefit about the InPenTM and my GuardianTM Connect CGM would have to be the confidence it has given me. I sleep better at night, my need to rage bolus is gone and I get all of that without having to be connected to something 24/7.
If I had to share a little piece of advice with other type ones, it would be to keep pushing on. Diabetes is hard, every day. If you are struggling, reach out for help. This is another reason I fell in love with Medtronic - the Ambassador program. It is not only for people who use Medtronic products, but for anyone living with this condition. We are here to help you with your products, talk about tips and tricks that work for us, or just act as a sound board as someone who knows what you go through every day. Diabetes is not easy and having a group of experienced PWD’s on your team goes a long way.