Posted by Naomi Kingery Bayardo on in Lifestyle

Summer is here, and with the sunshine and hot days comes sweat, sunscreen, and sand. Here are some things to consider regarding diabetes management during this time of year.   

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Posted by Katie Schmitz on in Lifestyle

When three-year-old Mason isn’t running around as fast as Sonic the Hedgehog, his family is helping to manage his type 1 diabetes. When Mason was diagnosed at 16 months old, his mom Natasha, jumped in and learned everything possible about how to help him feel good and live a full life.

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Posted by Naomi Kingery Bayardo on in Lifestyle

Today we’ve invited Miranda Lowery, a Clinical Territory Manager at Medtronic, to share her tips for tape and site management.

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Posted by Kendra Cassillo on in Lifestyle

Meet Jordan Hicks, major league baseball pitcher with one of the ‘fastest pitches in MLB history’, at 105.1 mph. In addition to kicking off the 2021 season with the St.

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Posted by Amanda Griswold on in Lifestyle

Today, we’d like to introduce you to, Medtronic Ambassador, Rachel, who recently started using the MiniMedTM 770G system.

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Posted by Amanda Griswold on in Education and Information

Gone are the days of checking your glucose levels through urine. For many, continuous glucose monitors (CGM) have become a common staple in helping to managing diabetes. With all technology though, there are keys to success that can help improve your experience when using a CGM.

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Posted by Katie Schmitz on in Education and Information, td, th {<br /> border: 1px solid black;<br />}&amp
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Posted by Kendra Cassillo on in Health and Wellness

For close to the past year we have all changed the way we live our lives — staying at home, seeing friends and family members outside from six feet away, and wearing masks whenever we are in public.

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Posted by Katie Schmitz on in Health and Wellness

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Posted by Amanda Griswold on in Innovation

It’s always so interesting to hear from people who have been living with diabetes for several years and hear about the advancements in diabetes management.

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