3 summertime tips for site management

Summertime often means higher temps, humidity, and water activities, all of which can make it trickier to get your continuous glucose monitor (CGM) and infusion set to stick.Try not to sweat it. 😊 If you find that it’s harder to keep your glucose sensor or infusion set in place during the summer months, here are a few things you can do that may help.
1. Proper site insertion is key
- Make sure you insert your sensors and infusion sets in their approved locations:
- For the Guardian™ 4 sensor, place on the back of the upper arm.
- For the Guardian™ Sensor 3, ages 7-13 should place on the back of the upper arm or buttocks, and ages 14+ should stick to the abdomen or upper arm. For your infusion set, insert on abdomen, thighs, or buttocks.
- Select a spot that is flat, doesn’t have scar tissue, and won’t interfere with summer clothing, which will help keep your site secure.
2. Secure your site
- Before insertion, avoid using lotions, creams, or aerosols (like spray-on sunscreen) that may make it harder for the adhesive to stick. Instead, apply them after insertion and taping are done.
- Prepare your site with alcohol to prevent infection and help the adhesive better stick to your skin. You may also consider using a prep wipe around your site area to help your infusion set adhere better. Just make sure to let the area dry completely before inserting.
- After insertion, when removing the needle from the sensor or infusion set, make sure to hold the site down with two fingers to make sure it stays in place.
3. Consider reinforcements
- If you’re active in different ways during summer and find that you are sweating more, or your summer clothing has your sites more exposed, you may want to consider an additional piece of overtape — especially for sensor sites.
- For your CGM, make sure to use two pieces of Oval Tape as directed, and an additional piece of overtape can be added after as well. StayPut™ patches are one of our favorites and they even come in fun summer colors! They are available on Diabetes.shop.
If you have specific questions about what may work best for you, be sure check in with your healthcare team. Check out our tape tips and site management guide for more help. Happy sites = happy summer!
[Originally published 2020-05-28. Updated 2024-05-22.]