Image of MiniMed 780G

MiniMed 780G system support and resources

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Play button Video explaining the auto correction feature of the MiniMed 780G system

Understanding Auto Corrections

Learn what's new and different about the MiniMed 780G system and the auto correction feature.

Play button This video provides instructions for inserting a continuous glucose sensor on your arm

How to insert the Guardian 4 sensor on your arm

Get step-by-step instructions for inserting a sensor on your arm.

Play button Video explaining the Sensor Updating alert on your MiniMed 780G system

Understanding Sensor Updating alert

Get clarity on what to do if you ever get the Sensor Updating alert.

Play button This video provides tips for using the SmartGuard feature on your MiniMed 780G system.

Using the SmartGuard feature

Watch this video for tips on how to optimize your time with SmartGuard technology.

Play button to watch Sarah video This video provides tips for bolusing with the MiniMed 780G system

Bolusing tips to help with Time in Range

Get tips for bolusing to reduce the chance of high glucose.

Play button Video explaining how to reduce Lost Sensor alerts

Reducing Lost Sensor alerts

Find out why you may get a Lost Sensor alert and how to try to prevent it in the future.

Important safety information: MiniMed 780G system with SmartGuard technology with Guardian 4 sensor

The MiniMed 780G system is intended for continuous delivery of basal insulin at selectable rates, and the administration of insulin boluses at selectable amounts for the management of type 1 diabetes mellitus in persons seven years of age and older requiring insulin as well as for the continuous monitoring and trending of glucose levels in the fluid under the skin. The MiniMed 780G system includes SmartGuard technology, which can be programmed to automatically adjust insulin delivery based on the continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) sensor glucose values and can suspend delivery of insulin when the sensor glucose (SG) value falls below or is predicted to fall below predefined threshold values.

The Medtronic MiniMed 780G system consists of the following devices: MiniMed 780G insulin pump, the Guardian 4 transmitter, the Guardian 4 sensor, One-press serter, the Accu-Chek Guide Link blood glucose meter, and the Accu-Chek Guide test strips. The system requires a prescription from a healthcare professional.

The Guardian 4 sensor is intended for use with the MiniMed 780G system and the Guardian 4 transmitter to monitor glucose levels for the management of diabetes. The sensor is intended for single use and requires a prescription. The Guardian 4 sensor is indicated for up to seven days of continuous use.

The Guardian 4 sensor is not intended to be used directly to make therapy adjustments while the MiniMed 780G is operating in manual mode. All therapy adjustments in manual mode should be based on measurements obtained using a blood glucose meter and not on values provided by the Guardian 4 sensor. The Guardian 4 sensor has been studied and is approved for use in patients ages 7 years and older and in the arm insertion site only. Do not use the Guardian 4 sensor in the abdomen or other body sites including the buttocks, due to unknown or different performance that could result in hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.

WARNING: Do not use the SmartGuard feature for people who require less than 8 units or more than 250 units of total daily insulin per day. A total daily dose of at least 8 units, but no more than 250 units, is required to operate in the SmartGuard feature.

WARNING: Do not use the MiniMed 780G system until appropriate training has been received from a healthcare professional. Training is essential to ensure the safe use of the MiniMed 780G system.

WARNING: Do not use SG values to make treatment decisions, including delivering a bolus, while the pump is in Manual Mode. When the SmartGuard feature is active and you are no longer in Manual Mode, the pump uses an SG value, when available, to calculate a bolus amount. However, if your symptoms do not match the SG value, use a BG meter to confirm the SG value. Failure to confirm glucose levels when your symptoms do not match the SG value can result in the infusion of too much or too little insulin, which may cause hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.

Pump therapy is not recommended for people whose vision or hearing does not allow for the recognition of pump signals, alerts, or alarms. The safety of the MiniMed 780G system has not been studied in pregnant women, persons with type 2 diabetes, or in persons using other anti-hyperglycemic therapies that do not include insulin. For complete details of the system, including product and important safety information such as indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions associated with system and its components, please consult and the appropriate user guide at